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Jogos de inventar 
[Inventing Games]

Animated audiovisual series for early childhood
First public exhibition:
2018, USA
First broadcasting: 2019, Brazil


"Inventing games" presents a group of multiethnic children who meets in a blank space, almost empty, to read a fun book. 
Juju, Miro, Quique, Shay, Migui, and Dodó fill the space with colors, sounds, and movements according to their imagination related to the poems.
The scenes present simple and recognizable themes that base the path from the known to the unknown, exploring sonorities, movements, and dynamic images.
The episodes' pluriperceptive narrative promotes multiple associations and perceptions that encourage the development of creativity. 
The characters represent Brazilian ethnic diversity and allow children from diverse groups to feel identified and valued.
The author held four years of research, daily working with children from zero to six years old to develop the proposal that generated this cartoon, a play, a book, and a CD. These works received various awards and are part of different studies.



All rights reserved - Viviane Juguero

developed by Lity Tavares ©2021 

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