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Viviane Juguero developed the idea of Bibobidebibiquéti from her experience as a mother. Her dream is to perform the play in an environment that embraces the babies from diverse perceptive sensations. When the pandemic came, her family was in social isolation and lost all their jobs. In this situation, a quick public selection appeared as an emergency call to help artists with a little budget. In this context, she invited her husband, Éder Rosa, to create an experimental digital version of the initial idea. The proposal was selected, and this sweet adventure began. The play was filmed in the tiny apartment's living room where the artists resided for few days. The edition was made in a simple cellphone. The soundtrack was created by Everton Rodrigues, based on Viviane's song "Bibobidebibiquéti," made for her son when he was a baby.



BIBOBIDEBIBIQUÉTI intends to dialogue affectionately and sensorially with babies based on their communication specificity with the world. The dramaturgy, composed of extraverbal language based on different stimuli and playful associations, deals with the life cycle when presenting the trajectory of Bibobidebibiquéti, a being generated by the moon. Indeed, there is no intention that babies can fully identify the narrative, which is based on a transversal dramaturgical construction. In this way, each scene can be perceived in a playful-sensorial way or as part of a broader story. In any case, through a poetic and fun atmosphere, the affective-rational models of work are committed to the cultural transformations necessary for a more just and supportive social development.


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