Articles and essays
Juguero, Viviane (2023)
"Aesthetic Democracy as Roots of Sustainable Cities and Communities".
In: Lyngstad, M. B., Gjærum, R. G., Hovik, L. (Eds). (2023).
Aesthetics and Ethics: Arts Education as a Catalyst for Sustainable Development. [Special issue]. Nordic Journal of Art and Research, 12(2).
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Juguero, Viviane (2023)
"Katu Ibi: uma colorida estética do amor. "
ASSITEJ Magazine online.
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Juguero, Viviane (2023)
“Umetnost kao nauka: putevi kroz radikalnu heteronaučnu metodologiju.”
In In: Đerić, Zoran; Fink, Marijana Prpa (edit.)
Theatre For Children – Artistic Phenomenon: A Collection of Papers (Volumе 13). Open University Subotica.
Juguero, Viviane (2023)
“Art as a Science: paths through a radical heteroscientific methodology” (2nd ed).
In: Đerić, Zoran; Fink, Marijana Prpa (edit.)
Theatre For Children – Artistic Phenomenon: A Collection of Papers (Volumе 13). Open University Subotica
Juguero, Viviane (2022)
“Radical Dramaturgies: A Path to Democratic Performing Arts for Early Childhoods”.
In: Đerić, Zoran; Fink, Marijana Prpa (edit.)
Theatre For Children – Artistic Phenomenon: A Collection of Papers (Volumе 12). Open University Subotica.
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Republished in English and Serbian by ASSITEJ
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Juguero, Viviane (2022)
"Theatre for children’s dialogical specificities."
In: O'Connor, P.; Mc Avoy, M (editors).
The Routledge Companion to Drama Education. Routledge.
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Juguero, Viviane. (2021)
Art as a Science: paths through a radical heteroscientific methodology.
In: CIVAE 2021. Spain: Musicoguia Magazine (Pages 23-28).
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Juguero, Viviane. (2020)
Bambu Bambá: A Diasporic Journey Towards the Unknown.
Tóquio. ASSITEJ Magazine (Pages 41-43).
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Juguero, Viviane. (2019)
Dramaturgias radicais: poéticas matrísticas para uma arte dialógica.
[Radical Dramaturgies: matristic poetics for a dialogical art]
Doctoral Dissertation. Porto Alegre. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. 427 pp.
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Juguero, Viviane. (2018)
The Future's Dramaturgy Theme: The Present.
Pequim. ASSITEJ Magazine, 32-35
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Juguero, Viviane. (2018)
Tema para a Dramaturgy do Futuro: O Presente
Brazilian Center of Theatre for Children and Youth (CBTIJ).
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Juguero, Viviane. (2018)
Dramaturgias radicais no combate à violência contra a mulher
[Radical dramaturgies against violence against women]
Porto Alegre: SESC Magazine
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** Also published at: CBTIJ/ASSITEJ Brazil website
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Juguero, Viviane. (2017)
Ecos de Cor e Cór: report of a transverse scenic experience.
São Paulo. Conceição/Conception Magazine. UNICAMP, 135-161
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Juguero, Viviane. (2017)
Ecos de Cor e Cór: relato de uma experiência cênica transversal.
São Paulo. Conceição/Conception Journal. UNICAMP, 135-161
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Juguero, Viviane; Gil, João Pedro. (2016)
O papel do mediador quando a escola vai ao teatro.
Porto Alegre: Arte SESC.
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** Also published at: Proceedings of the FURB Latin American Journey of Theater Studies (2016)
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Juguero, Viviane; Gil, João Pedro. (2017)
The role of the mediator when school goes to theater. .
International Association of Theatre for Children and Youth (ASSITEJ).
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Juguero, Viviane. (2016)
Dramaturgia dialética: é possível o teatro de Brecht na contemporaneidade performativa?
[Dialectical dramaturgy: is Brecht's theater possible in the performative contemporaneity?]
Uberlândia: ABRACE
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Juguero, Viviane. (2014)
Bando de brincantes : um caminho dialético no teatro para crianças
[Bunch of Players: a dialectical path in the theater for children]
Master thesis. Porto Alegre. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. 308 pp.
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Juguero, Viviane. (2009).
Texto dramático: caminhos entre a literatura e a dramaturgia da cena
[Dramatic text: paths between literature and the dramaturgy of the scene]
Porto Alegre: AJURIS (pages 53 - 56).
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