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Academic presentations

Juguero, Viviane (October, 2022).

"Aesthetics of love: empowering children, teachers, and artists through radical pedagogies."

Lecture at the International project Interstice (Erasmus+) in Stavanger, Norway. 


Juguero, Viviane (September, 2022).

"Pluriperceptive and Multicultural Theatricalities to Diverse Early Childhoods."

Presentation at the 12th International Research Forum of Theatre Arts for Children and Young People in Subotica, Serbia. 

Juguero, Viviane (September, 2022).

"Radical Aesthetics as the Root of Social Transformation."

Lecture at the Centre for Arts and Social Transformation (CAST) of the University of Auckland, in Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand. 


Juguero, Viviane (September, 2022).

Organization of a virtual meeting between CAST (University of Auckland) and FILIORUM (University of Stavanger), hosted in Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand. 



Juguero, Viviane (August, 2022).

“Radical Dramaturgy and the social role of art: theory and practice.”

Lecture and workshop at the Nordic Black Theatre in Oslo, Norway. 

Juguero, Viviane (August, 2022). “Possibilities for Arts and Education in Early Childhood.” Meeting with the Kulturtanken team in Oslo, Norway. 

Juguero, Viviane (August, 2022).

“Aesthetic Democracy to build and maintain sustainable cities and communities.”

Lecture for the Smart sustainable cities research network at the University of Stavanger, in Stavanger, Norway.



Juguero, Viviane (June, 2022).

“Radical Dramaturgies as the roots of an Active-Hope.”

Performative Lecture at the symposium “Arts in Action: Urgencies in Art and Art Education” promoted by the University of Agder in Kristiansand, Norway. 


Juguero, Viviane (June, 2022).

“Theatre and Livelihood: Theatricality, belonging, and democracy.”

Presentation at the round table “Theatre And Livelihood: A Cross-Cultural Perspective,” led by Jerry Adesewo (Nigeria) at Bibu – the Swedish Performing Arts Biennial for Children and Youth and ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering, in Helsingborg, Sweden.

Juguero, Viviane (December, 2021).

"Radical Dramaturgy."

Lecture at a Drama Professors' research meeting led by Hallgjerd Byrkjeland at the University of Stavanger, in Stavanger, Norway. 

Juguero, Viviane (October, 2021).

"Dramaturgy and symbolic games socioemotional roles: similarities and differences."

Virtual presentation at Symposium "Performing Arts and Play in Early Childhood" at Norske Barnehageforskningskonferansen 2021, promoted by FILIORUM / University of Stavanger, and hosted in Norway. 

Juguero, Viviane (October, 2021).

"Radical praxis: theatricality and gender paradigms."

Virtual presentation at Symposium  "Diverse perspectives concerning gender parity and ECEC" at Norske Barnehageforskningskonferansen 2021, promoted by FILIORUM / University of Stavanger, and hosted in Norway. 


Juguero, Viviane (October, 2021).

"Theatricality and the roots of belonging, play, and communication in Early Childhood."  

Virtual presentation at Norske Barnehageforskningskonferansen 2021, promoted by FILIORUM / University of Stavanger, and hosted in Norway. 

Juguero, Viviane (October, 2021).

"Pluriperceptive and Multicultural Theatricalities to diverse Early Childhoods."

Presentation promoted by FILIORUM at the University of Stavanger for researchers of the South Jutland University College (Denmark) in their visit to Stavanger, Norway. 


Juguero, Viviane (September, 2021).

"Radical dramaturgies to face social challenges."

Guest speaker at the Høgskulen på Vestlandet, in Bergen, Norway.


Juguero, Viviane (September, 2021).

"Radical Theatricalities: Democratic Arts for Early Childhoods through Parity in diversity."

Virtual presentation at the 12th International Research Forum of Theatre Arts for Children and Young People in Subotica, Serbia. 


Juguero, Viviane (September, 2021).

"Building Borderless communities through the theatre."

Virtual presentation at the International Webinar of the National Association of the Nigerian Theatre Art Practitioners in Abuja, Nigeria. 


Juguero, Viviane (September, 2021).

"Theatricality and the roots of bullying in Early Childhood."

Virtual presentation at the EADP Summer Tour September 2021, held by the University of Stavanger, the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, and the Polish Association of Human Development Psychology, respectively, in Norway, Austria, and Poland.


Juguero, Viviane (July, 2021).

"Art as a Science: paths through a radical heteroscientific methodology."

Virtual presentation at CIVAE 2021: 3rd Interdisciplinary and Virtual on Arts in Education Conference, held by MusicoGuia Magazine, in Spain. 


Juguero, Viviane (July, 2021).

"The play's theatricality as roots of sociocultural structures."

Virtual presentation at the  28th ICCP World Play Conference (International Council for Children's Play), held by the University Autonomous of Madrid in Spain.


Juguero, Viviane (Mars, 2021).

"Radical Theatricalities to diverse Early Childhoods."

Virtual presentation at the ITYARN (International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network) online conference at the Congress of ASSITEJ (International Association of Theatre for Children and Youth), hosted in Japan.  


Juguero, Viviane (January, 2021).

"Radical praxis: a matristic perspective in the field of Arts for Early Childhood."

Virtual presentation for the Institutt for barnehagelærerutdanning (IBU) professional team at the University of Stavanger), in Norway.


Juguero, Viviane (January, 2021).

"Pluriperceptive and Multicultural Theatricalities to Diverse Early Childhoods."

Virtual presentation for the research group FILIORUM at the University of Stavanger in Norway. 


Juguero, Viviane (2019).

Race and Gender in a Radical Dramaturgy for Children
Guest speaker at the Symposium “Women Theatre Artists”

Department of Afro-American Studies, Department of Theatre and Drama, and Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (U.S.A.)
Sponsored by the Brazilian Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination (CAPES)

Juguero, Viviane (2019).

The concept of dramaturgy through a radical perspective
Lecture at the Playwrigths’Ink meeting supported by the University of Wisconsin-Madison (U.S. A.)
Sponsored by the Brazilian Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination (CAPES)


Juguero, Viviane (2019).  

Pedagogia do Brincar: Questões  Psicopedagógicas  e Motoras

[Pedagogy of Play: Psychopedagogical and Motor Issues]
Guest speaker at the Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA) in São Jerônimo City Promoted by ULBRA


Juguero, Viviane (2019).  

Especificidades Dialógicas do Teatro para Crianças

[Dialogical Specificities of Theater for Children]
Lecture at the Theatre Faculty of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro 
Lecture at the Education Faculty of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul


Juguero, Viviane (2018).  

Radical Dramaturgy: dialectical processes between artistic creation and society
Colloquium presented at the Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies Program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

Sponsored by the Brazilian Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination (CAPES)


Juguero, Viviane (2016).

Cavalo de Santo – sincretismo em uma experiência de dramaturgia dialética

[Saint’s Horse - syncretism in an experience of dialectical dramaturgy]
Presentation at the II Seminário Brasileiro de Escrita Dramática: Reflexão e Prática [II Dramatic Writing Seminar: reflection and Practice]
Promoted by the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Florianopolis/SC)


Juguero, Viviane (2016).

Dramaturgia dialética: é possível o teatro de Brecht na contemporaneidade perfomativa?  

[Dialectical dramaturgy: is Brecht's theater possible in the performative contemporaneity?]
Presentation at the IX Congress of ABRACE (Brazilian Association of Research and Graduation in Performing Arts)
Promoted by ABRACE and the Federal University of Uberlândia (MG)


Juguero, Viviane (2016).

O papel do mediador quando a escola vai ao teatro

[The role of the mediator when school goes to theater]
Presentation at the IX Jornada Latino-Americana de Estudos Teatrais  [IX Latin American Conference of Theatrical Studies]
Promoted by the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Blumenau/SC)


Juguero, Viviane (2016).

Dramaturgia Dialectica en el Teatro Adulto y Infantil

[Dialectic Dramaturgy in the adult and children’s theatre]
Presentation at the XXV Congreso Internacional de Teatro Iberoamericano Y Argentino [XXV International Congress of Iberoamerican and Argentine Theatre]
Promoted by GETEA - Ibero-American and Argentine Theater Studies Group of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires


Juguero, Viviane (2016).

La lógica lúdica infantil en la construcción de una dramaturgia dialéctica para niños

[The children’s ludic logic in the construction of a dialectical dramaturgy for children]
Presentation at the 4º Foro Internacional de Investigadores y Críticos de Teatro para Niños y Jóvenes [International Forum of Researchers and Critics of Theater for Children and Youth]
Promoted by ATINA / ASSITEJ Argentina (Buenos Aires)


Juguero, Viviane (2015).

Teatro para crianças e desenvolvimento infantil

[Theater for children and child development]
Presentation at the Seminário Regional de Educação Infantil da Universidade Luterana  do Brasil [Regional Seminar on Early Childhood Education of the Lutheran University of Brazil]
Promoted by Lutheran University of Brazil - ULBRA - São Jerônimo (RS)


Juguero, Viviane (2014).

O Universo Lúdico e a Educação

[Ludic Universe and Education]
Guest speaker at the Lutheran University of Brazil – ULBRA – São Jerônimo/RS


Juguero, Viviane (2014).

Brincadeira e arte

[Game and art]
Guest speaker at the VII Encontro Regional de Educação [VII Regional Meeting of Education]
Promoted by the Higher Education Institute of Ivoti – ISEI (RS)


Juguero, Viviane (2014).

Teatro para crianças e desenvolvimento infantil

[Theater for children and child development]
Presentation at the XXI Congreso Internacional de Teatro Iberoamericano Y Argentino [XXI International Congress of Iberoamerican and Argentine Theatre]
Promoted by GETEA - Ibero-American and Argentine Theater Studies Group of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires


Juguero, Viviane (2013).

O Universo lúdico de Pais, Filhos e Educadores

[The Ludic Universe of Parents, Children and Teachers]
Guest speaker at the 14ª Seminário Latino-americano de Educação e Cultura [14th Latin American Seminar on Education and Culture]
Promoted by Secretariat of Education of Alegrete (RS)


Juguero, Viviane (2013).

A importância do teatro para crianças na Educação

[The importance of theater for children to Education]
Guest speaker at the Seminário Freireano (Seminar about Paulo Freire)
Promoted by Secretariat of Education of Alegrete (RS)


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